Weights and Measures - Primavera

Weights and Measures

Weights and measures used in agriculture (especially Brazil versus the USA)

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1 Metric Ton 1.000 Kg
1 Short Ton 907,18474 Kg
1 Short Ton 2.000 Pounds
1 Kg 2,20462 Pounds
1 Pound 0,45359 Kg


1 Acre 0,40469 Hectares
1 Acre 0,1840 Alqueire
1 Acre 4046,9 Square Meters
1 Hectare 2,47105 Acres
1 Hectare 10.000 Square Meters
1 Alqueire 11,95988 Acres (Alqueire Mineiro)
1 Alqueire 4,84 Hectares
1 Alqueire 48400 Square Meters

Soy and Wheat

1 Bushel of soybeans 60 Pounds
1 Bushel of soybeans 27,2154 Kg
1 Ton 36,7439 Bushels
1 Ton 16,6667 Sacas
1 Saca of Soybeans 60 Kg
1 Saca of Soybeans 2,20462 Bushels
1 Bushel/Acre 67,25 Kg/Hectares
1,00 USD/Bushel 2,2046 USD/Saca


1 Bushel of Corn 56 Pounds
1 Bushel of Corn 25,401 Kg
1 Ton 39,3685 Bushels
1 Ton 16,6667 Sacas
1 Saca of Corn 60 Kg
1 Saca of Corn 2,36210 Bushels
1 Bushel/Acre 62,77 Kg/Hectare
1,00 USD/Bushel 2,3621 USD/Saca


1 Fardo 480 Pounds
1 Fardo 217,72 Kg
1 Arroba 15 Kg


1 Saca of Coffee 60 Kg
1 Saca of Coffee 132,2 Pounds
1 US Cent/Pound 1,3228 USD/Saca


Saca is used a lot in Brazil. It is always a bag of 60Kg. Thus it is easier than the variable weight of a bushel depending on the crop in the US. The yield of a hectare will be told in Sacas. E.g. 50 Sacas. Or the same as 3 Metric tons per hectare. In the US normally Bushels per Acre will be used.

In Brazil Alqueire will often be used instead of Hectares to denominate land size. However, different sizes of Alqueire are used depending on the region of Brazil. The Alqueire above is known as Mineiro (miners)

In Brazil a comma is used instead of a decimal point, and comma as thousand's delimeter

On CBOT the price of:


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For conversions using the Primavera Calculator get spreadsheet: Excel spreadsheet