Yellow Corn, maize


The corn we produce is transgenic, i.e. genetically modified, GMO.

We also have a very small production of organic corn, which of course is not genetically modified.

We mostly produce (grow) our own products with some exceptions

If we do not have a certain product available - either not at all or in insufficient quantity - we will contact our associated farmers in order to be able to deliver.

The cycle
In order to produce corn we work with these cycles:

The wet season in Tocantins is from October to May. It is in this period we grow and harvest our crops. Corn or soybeans are planted from the 25th of October into November. The exact timing has to do with factors such as climate, type of corn, time, ressources, and an eventual second crop. We either plant corn as the only crop or as a second crop. The harvest will be from February to March with delivery from March into April.

If corn is planted as a second crop of corn after another crop such as soybeans, it is necessary to use a precocious variety of soybean (90 days) and early planting is chosen. Thus corn is planted right away after the harvest of soybean. The corn will be ready for harvest end May with delivery in June. The crop rotation is actually good for the land.

When using artificial irrigation we can plant any time of the year and we can handle two and a half to three crops per year. It will never be the same crop three times, as crops need to be alternated with other crops. Anyway, we only have irrigation available on a very small area for now.


Yeallow corn (maize) is a commodity. Our pricing is complex, but all corn growers pay attention to CBOT. The Chicago Board of Trade (see under Useful Links) gives market quotes for soybean options and futures. But our price also depends on the internal demand on the Brazilian market (quotes are here). At the writing of this text the prices in Tocantins are about 8% below CBOT. But it might as well go the other way. When planting for a specific client we offer espectacular prices. Because we then can set the price (very favorable) in advance. This is possible as we carefully control our costs and they do usually not vary much. We are very fortunate with the climate in Tocantins. It is rare any surprises arise from climatic changes. A new oil crisis could of course offset our transportation costs. However, in Tocantins the prevision is for falling costs due to much better infrastructures. The perhaps biggest risks for us is the USD/Real exchange rate. This could for a variety of reasons be of some significance. But bear in mind that it has been a long while since the Brazilian currency was unstable as in the past.


We primarily sell corn according to Brazilian specifications. They are mandated by law and common for all of Brazil. You may look them up under documents. However, we can grow to specific specifications. Please contact us for details.

More Info?

If you have any questions about corn, please do not hesitate to get in contact with sales. Primavera has a number of representations around the world, who are eager to help you.

Corn close up Corn Harvest Unloading

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